7 months ago, he left me here, at that building
and i promised to him not to cry when he went back to his place
but i couldn't keep my promise
i cried when i left that building
it was hurt, you know
7 moths is a loooong time
yea, of course i felt lonely
but time goes by and i went to college
new friends, new surroundings, new name, new crazy experience, new subjects, new freak people, everything was new and all change
he always asked about my life as a new student in college
and i always told him about anything that i've been through
and maybe, today, i wasn't as strong as before
i cried a lot today
yes, you can call me sloppy
but you didn't understand what i've been through this couple days
and it makes me miss the past
i miss the way we talked about something and in the end, we laughed at it
yea, my friend can make me laugh, but he's not him
no one could understand me better than myself
he's right. "i could only explain my feelings if you experienced it firsthand to understand it," he said.
so now, you can call me sloppy, childish or etc just the way you like
it's not a problem to me anymore
cuz this is me, this is myself
and if you don't like me,
get out of my life!
i still have a lot of friends that love me just the way i am
and i believe, he accept me as his best friend or maybe more than best friend with all my badness and goodness habits
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lebih baik trpisahkan dri Yesus atau orangtua?
sebenernya ngga pengen 2-2nya sih. tapi klo disuruh pilih 1, yaaaa terpisahkan sama orangtua aja. orangtua kan hanya sebagai pengantara kita ke Yesus. jadi klo kita kepisah sama orangtua, ngga papa, asalkan masih ada Yesus. btw, ni siapa ya?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
wisdom of the soul

guys, these are some advices and knowledge about our life. read this! hope you'll enjoy it :)
1. no one can RUIN your day without your permission
2. most people will be about as HAPPY as they decide to be
3. others can stop you TEMPORARILY, but only you can do it permanently
4. whatever you are willing to put up with is EXACTLY what you will have
5. SUCCESS stops when you do
6. when your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to UNLOAD it
7. you will NEVER "have it all together"
8. life is a JOURNEY, not a destination. enjoy the trip! :)
9. the biggest LIE on the planet: "When i get what i want, i will be happy".
10. the best way to escape your problem is to SOLVE it
11. i've learned that ultimately "TAKERS" lose and "GIVERS" win
12. life's PRECIOUS moments: don't have value, unless they are shared
13. if you don't START, it's certain you won't arrive
14. we often FEAR the thing we want the most
15. yesterday was the deadline for all COMPLAINS
16. look for opportunities, not guarantees
17. life is what's coming not WHAT WAS
18. success is GETTING UP one more time
19. now is the most INTERESTING time of all
20. when things go WRONG, don't go with them
21. sometimes the majority only means that all the FOOLS are in the same side
22. a person who asks a QUESTION might be a fool for five minutes, but a person who doesn't ask is a fool forever
23. a BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have
24. i don't have to attend every ARGUMENT i'm invited to
25. our EYES are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look behind
cheer up,
mademoiselleAngie- :)
source: somebody on tumblr
cheer up :),
tell a story,
want you to know
Sunday, September 5, 2010
where are you?
things are different now
you disappear, again
i don't know, maybe you are busy with your work
or busy with your life
but can you give me a "hello"?
you broke your promise to me, not to lost contact
did i make a mistake to you?
i really miss talking to you
i really miss your joke
and you just like disappear
no news
where are you?
has your life change?
i feel empty
you disappear, again
i don't know, maybe you are busy with your work
or busy with your life
but can you give me a "hello"?
you broke your promise to me, not to lost contact
did i make a mistake to you?
i really miss talking to you
i really miss your joke
and you just like disappear
no news
where are you?
has your life change?
i feel empty
want you to know,
wish list
Saturday, August 28, 2010
special from me and Disney to you.. :D

Mr. Farbud Yatchie, this is a special note from me, mom and dad, gina, dinda and a little bit with help from Mr. Disney for your special birthday! :)

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
i want to do something special for you,
it's your birthday, and you're special too
so i brought some guabs from the outter guab zoo
They honk and squak and sing just for you...
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
open your eyes, here's a present
more crazy creatures, don't worry they're pleasant
they're upside down weets on inside out swings,
they do things backwords, and backwords they sing...
Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yppah Yadhtrib Ot Ouy!
which means:
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
there's a party, a party today
A once a year occasion!
A party, it's comin' your way,
your birthday celebration!
the grandest present I've saved 'til the end,
'cause you're the bestest of all of my friends
here's Mickey (Oh, Hi) and Donald (Hellllo) And Goofy too (Ahee-uh)
to celebrate your birthday with you...
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
i wanted to tell you in my own special way,
but you're extra special, so have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
dad said: "panjang umur!"
mom said: "sukses terus ya Pauuuulll..."
gina said: "tambah baik, tambah ganteng. mudah-mudahan bisa ke Indo lagi :)"
dinda said: "met ultah abang!"
and i said: "Happy Bornday! Jah bless! jangan lupa berdoa di saat apa pun. mau susah kek, mau seneng kek, tetep berdoa dan bersyukur ya baaaanng... and keep smile :) *big hug's coming to your waaaaayyy....* cheer up, boy! :D"

Have a great Birthday there :)
group hugs!
-from: ekanakecil and family

tell a story,
want you to know
Saturday, August 14, 2010
hello world!
it's been forever since my last post. yeah, i'm busy with my college thing here! exhausted but fun!
i found some new friends, new teacher, new uniform (uniform is a must in my college!) and of course new surrounding :)
sometimes, i miss my high school things and i miss my luvly DPR United so much. and also, i really miss talking to Mr. Yatchie (if u read this Mr. Yatchie, dont laugh!)
i dont know, i feel empty during these day. maybe it because of my busyness in my new college but i'm not sure. i have a lot of new friends here but still empty. really. something is missing but i dont know what.

it's been forever since my last post. yeah, i'm busy with my college thing here! exhausted but fun!
i found some new friends, new teacher, new uniform (uniform is a must in my college!) and of course new surrounding :)
sometimes, i miss my high school things and i miss my luvly DPR United so much. and also, i really miss talking to Mr. Yatchie (if u read this Mr. Yatchie, dont laugh!)
i dont know, i feel empty during these day. maybe it because of my busyness in my new college but i'm not sure. i have a lot of new friends here but still empty. really. something is missing but i dont know what.

me or moi,
tell a story,
want you to know
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
a sad story

a boyfriend gave a challenge to his girlfriend to live a day without him. no communication at all and said, if she passed, he'll love her forever. the girlfriend agreed. she did not text or call him a whole day, without knowing that her boyfriend has only 24 hours to live because he's suffering from cancer. she excitedly went to her boyfriend's house the next day. tears fall as she saw her boyfriend lying on the coffin with a note on the side : "you did it baby, can you do it everyday? I LOVE YOU.."
adapted from: xavier on tumblr
Saturday, July 24, 2010
hey guys, this is TONGUE TWISTERS!!!!

i'm here cuz i have a new silly game for you. well, again :)
maybe you've heard the "Tongue Twisters",
yep, for example in Indonesian: "kecoa cakue kuaci" and say that 10 times quickly!
Tongue Twisters it's a phrase or sentence which is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. it helps develop speech skills & helps in speech therapy. but, i found out with (again) this silly, funny, freak and annoying guy, Paul, it can be a funny game! we tried this game a loooongg time ago.

interested? curious? let's start with the easiest one! :D
bubble bobble, bubble bobble, bubble bobble
RED BLOOD BLUE BLOOD say that 10 times correctly!
Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry
Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat
Unique New York (10 times)
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Greek grapes
An Ape hates grape cakes
Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies
Penny's pretty pink piggy bank
Black bug's blood
Rubber baby-buggy bumpers
Three free throws
Knapsack straps
Cheap ship trip
Lovely lemon liniment
Inchworms itching
The myth of Miss Muffet
and here we go, harder Tongue Twisters!
A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits
Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir?
Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings
Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick
A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood
One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart
Pope Sixtus VI's six texts
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit
Mrs. Smith's Fish Sauce Shop
Irish wristwatches
Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets (*watch out for your tongue, cuz maybe it can sprain hahhahahaa...*)
Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks
Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better
A noisy noise annoys an oyster
Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks
Vincent vowed vengence very vehemently
Gertie's great-grandma grew aghast at Gertie's grammar
She sells seashells by the sea shore
Thirty thrifty thumbs thumped on the third Thursday in Thailand
Tim, the thin twin tinsmith
Fat frogs flying past fast
Flee from fog to fight flu fast!
The boot black bought the black boot back
A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw
These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue
Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People
Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward
Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors
Walter Willy watches wiggly worms while wading
Floaters float Friday in a float parade at four fifty five February 1st 5555
Purple puppies poke and paint purple people with purple pencils in purple poodle land
tired? wait! i have some tongue twisters and they are harder than the tongue twisters above. oh, c'mon! try it! it's FUN!
He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts
I cannot bear to see a bear Bear down upon a hare. When bare of hair he strips the hare, Right there I cry,' 'Forbear!''
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish
if a sledering snail went down a slippery slide would a snail sleder or slide down the slide
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
''Surely Sylvia swims!'' shrieked Sammy, surprised.' 'Someone should show Sylvia some strokes so she shall not sink.''
A Tudor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor,' 'Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?''
I am not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate. I am only plucking pheasants' cause the pheasant plucker's running late.
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea,' 'Let us fly!'' Said the fly,' 'Let us flee!'' So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
I need not your needles, they're needless to me; For kneading of noodles,' twere needless, you see; But did my neat knickers but need to be kneed, I then should have need of your needles indeed.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Don't hurt the heart who didn't hurt your heart. But hurt the hurt who hurts your heart. But how can you hurt the heart who hurts you heart. When you love the heart who hurts your heart.
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed.
Betty Botter had some butter,' 'But,'' she said,' 'this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter-- that would make my batter better.''. So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So' twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.
Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw Before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw!
ahahhahaa... and do you know what is the hardest tongue twister in the world??
Believe it or not the Guinness Book Record for the hardest tongue twister is: "The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick".
hope you guys enjoy your tongue "sprain" twister! hahhahaha
and i'll see u next time with more new games or stories crazier than this one! :D
feel the sprain, feel tongue twister,

spare time
Monday, July 19, 2010
this game called "PICK ONE"!
hey guys, long time no see. yes, i know it's been forever since my last post, but hey, here i am and ready to post a new story :D
i have a new game during these holidays, it's called "PICK ONE".
this game came up from imaginative brain of my best friend, Prilli.
when i started that game with her, i really enjoyed this game.
actually, this game a lil bit silly, but it's so much FUN!
the rule is simple, just pick one from two choices or questions, but you won't give any chances to think about your choice. sometimes, it might be bad choices and according to the rule, you MUST PICK ONE!
On Friday, July 2nd 2010, i played this game with the best annoying, freak and silly guy, Paul.
we had fun together answering the silly questions! hhahahaha...:D
you wanna know the questions and the answers? so read this post guys and hope it'll help you to try this game :) enjoy..
Paul Ringo: mobil/motor/
Paul Ringo: ?
Angelina: mobil
Angelina: panda/beruang?
Paul Ringo: panda
Paul Ringo: money/diamonds?
Angelina: diamonds
Angelina: cewe ato cowo?
Paul Ringo: cewe
Paul Ringo: jeans / skirts?
Angelina: jeans hhhahaha
Angelina: ke Canada dengan cara berenang ato ke Canada dengan cara ngedayung pake sampan?
Paul Ringo: ngedayung booo...cape mati kedinginan gw berenang
Paul Ringo: belts/watches?
Angelina: hmmm... watches
Angelina: daniel radcliffe or robert pattinson? hahahahhaa
Paul Ringo: daniel. but i like neither
Paul Ringo: blood / intestine?
Angelina: blood
Angelina: omas or Angelina Eka? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAA...
Paul Ringo: OMAS!!!!!! all the way!
Angelina: iiihhhh.....
Angelina: cantikan juga eka kaleeeee
Paul Ringo: tp unikan omas bo
Angelina: unikan bibir eka kaleee daripada omas, omas mah terlalu maju bibirnya HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA
Paul Ringo: bibir u kaya fantat ayam klo manyun di foto
Angelina: iri aja kao bang your turn now
Paul Ringo: nose / eyes?
Angelina: hmmm i like both
Angelina: but eyes more important
Angelina: jadi pengemis ato jadi tukang sampah?
Paul Ringo: klo gw tinggal di CND ya tukang sampah lah
Paul Ringo: gajinya guede looohh
Angelina: ya jangan ditempatin di CND doooong, di indo
Paul Ringo: oraleeeeee...modar
Paul Ringo: pengemis dah
Angelina: hahhahaa
Angelina: ur turn
Paul Ringo: biking/running?
Angelina: hmmmm
Angelina: biking aja deh hehhehee
Angelina: ipad or iphone 4?
Paul Ringo: iphone4
Paul Ringo: u kno i was gonna ask the same Q too
Angelina: really?
Angelina: ckkckckckk... i told u, kita kan sepanci hahahhahaaa
Paul Ringo: yoaaaa
Paul Ringo: sepanci sepenggorengan
Paul Ringo: sushi/steak?
Angelina: hmmmmm... i love BOTH of them
Paul Ringo: maruk lu mah
Angelina: ehehehhehee..
Angelina: tapi steak aja lah
Angelina: new york or paris?
Paul Ringo: NY
Angelina: y?
Paul Ringo: cuz it's Neewwwww YYYoooooorrrkkk
Angelina: oohhh... i kno.. i knoo.....
Angelina: u choose New York because you cant speak in French! hhahahahhaaa..
Paul Ringo: me can't speak no frenchy
Paul Ringo: Rolls Royce / Maybach car?
Angelina: hmmm... klo diliat dari namanya sih kayanya kerenan Maybach Car yah?
Angelina: pink or yellow?
Angelina: of course PINK!! hahhahahaa
Paul Ringo: yellow!
Angelina: whaaat??!
Paul Ringo: don't even try to force me into choosing pink
Angelina: but pink is your fav color!!!!
Paul Ringo: love / passion?
Angelina: love]
Paul Ringo: y not have both?
Angelina: kan judulnya juga "Pick One" hahahhaah
Angelina: sister or niece?
Paul Ringo: niece
Paul Ringo: chuzelle/archie?
Angelina: archie hahhahahaa
Angelina: Jason Mraz or Gerard Butler?
Angelina: *pick JM, please!!*
Paul Ringo: since u said JM i just have to go with gerard
Paul Ringo: bakso/pangsit?
Angelina: 2 2 nya daaaaaahhhhh muanteeeeeeeebbbbbb...!!!!
Paul Ringo: i kno eh
Paul Ringo: jd ngiler gw
Angelina: sama
Angelina: but i pick pangsit deh
Angelina: crocs or swallow? hahhahahaa... sama" dari karet
Paul Ringo: SWALLOW!! aq suka sekali
Paul Ringo: Khong Guan/ Regal?
Angelina: Khong Guan, lebih bervariasi siiihhh hahhahahaa
Angelina: jadi pengen
Angelina: martabak manis ato martabak telor? hayooooo
Paul Ringo: Telor
Angelina: enakan manis kaleeee
Paul Ringo: manis gampang enegnya
Paul Ringo: sustagen/dancow?
Angelina: eka blon pernah nyoba sustagen, jadi ya dancow aja lah hahhahahahaa
Angelina: cacing ato ulet?
Paul Ringo: cacing
Paul Ringo: enak bsa dimakan
Paul Ringo: piscok/risoles?
Angelina: dont ask me about foods coz i'm gonna choose both!
Angelina: piscok aja dah
Angelina: dicium banci ato nyium banci? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA
Paul Ringo: suruh tu banci cium jempol aja gih
Angelina: ngga bisa gitu doooonnggg, ngga ada di pilihannya
Angelina: you have to PICK ONE loh baaaaanng
Paul Ringo: dengan terpaksa saya pilih dicium. HHOOOEEEEKKKK.....
Angelina: waakakakakakakkk... good!!
Paul Ringo: dicium lesbi/nyium lesbi?
Angelina: ngebales nih kao ceritanya?? ckkckkckckckkk
Paul Ringo: mmmhhhmmm
Angelina: hmmmm... mending nyium deh, klo dicium kan bahaya
Angelina: oxford or harvard?
Paul Ringo: sekolah SD aja lah. ngapain tinggi2
Paul Ringo: oxford
Paul Ringo: sugus/mentos?
Angelina: hey, dont ask me bout foods or something like that!
Angelina: both!
Angelina: sugus deh
Angelina: jazz/rock?
Paul Ringo: jazz!!
Paul Ringo: tht wraps-up our game for tonight. thx for playing and i'll c u again the same place, same time. sampai jumap
Angelina: see ya and thx for playing.
Angelina: well, we have to end this game tonight coz our guest, Paul Siringo Ringo, must go to bed!

i have a new game during these holidays, it's called "PICK ONE".
this game came up from imaginative brain of my best friend, Prilli.
when i started that game with her, i really enjoyed this game.
actually, this game a lil bit silly, but it's so much FUN!
the rule is simple, just pick one from two choices or questions, but you won't give any chances to think about your choice. sometimes, it might be bad choices and according to the rule, you MUST PICK ONE!
On Friday, July 2nd 2010, i played this game with the best annoying, freak and silly guy, Paul.
we had fun together answering the silly questions! hhahahaha...:D
you wanna know the questions and the answers? so read this post guys and hope it'll help you to try this game :) enjoy..
Paul Ringo: mobil/motor/
Paul Ringo: ?
Angelina: mobil
Angelina: panda/beruang?
Paul Ringo: panda
Paul Ringo: money/diamonds?
Angelina: diamonds
Angelina: cewe ato cowo?
Paul Ringo: cewe
Paul Ringo: jeans / skirts?
Angelina: jeans hhhahaha
Angelina: ke Canada dengan cara berenang ato ke Canada dengan cara ngedayung pake sampan?
Paul Ringo: ngedayung booo...cape mati kedinginan gw berenang
Paul Ringo: belts/watches?
Angelina: hmmm... watches
Angelina: daniel radcliffe or robert pattinson? hahahahhaa
Paul Ringo: daniel. but i like neither
Paul Ringo: blood / intestine?
Angelina: blood
Angelina: omas or Angelina Eka? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAA...
Paul Ringo: OMAS!!!!!! all the way!
Angelina: iiihhhh.....
Angelina: cantikan juga eka kaleeeee
Paul Ringo: tp unikan omas bo
Angelina: unikan bibir eka kaleee daripada omas, omas mah terlalu maju bibirnya HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA
Paul Ringo: bibir u kaya fantat ayam klo manyun di foto
Angelina: iri aja kao bang your turn now
Paul Ringo: nose / eyes?
Angelina: hmmm i like both
Angelina: but eyes more important
Angelina: jadi pengemis ato jadi tukang sampah?
Paul Ringo: klo gw tinggal di CND ya tukang sampah lah
Paul Ringo: gajinya guede looohh
Angelina: ya jangan ditempatin di CND doooong, di indo
Paul Ringo: oraleeeeee...modar
Paul Ringo: pengemis dah
Angelina: hahhahaa
Angelina: ur turn
Paul Ringo: biking/running?
Angelina: hmmmm
Angelina: biking aja deh hehhehee
Angelina: ipad or iphone 4?
Paul Ringo: iphone4
Paul Ringo: u kno i was gonna ask the same Q too
Angelina: really?
Angelina: ckkckckckk... i told u, kita kan sepanci hahahhahaaa
Paul Ringo: yoaaaa
Paul Ringo: sepanci sepenggorengan
Paul Ringo: sushi/steak?
Angelina: hmmmmm... i love BOTH of them
Paul Ringo: maruk lu mah
Angelina: ehehehhehee..
Angelina: tapi steak aja lah
Angelina: new york or paris?
Paul Ringo: NY
Angelina: y?
Paul Ringo: cuz it's Neewwwww YYYoooooorrrkkk
Angelina: oohhh... i kno.. i knoo.....
Angelina: u choose New York because you cant speak in French! hhahahahhaaa..
Paul Ringo: me can't speak no frenchy
Paul Ringo: Rolls Royce / Maybach car?
Angelina: hmmm... klo diliat dari namanya sih kayanya kerenan Maybach Car yah?
Angelina: pink or yellow?
Angelina: of course PINK!! hahhahahaa
Paul Ringo: yellow!
Angelina: whaaat??!
Paul Ringo: don't even try to force me into choosing pink
Angelina: but pink is your fav color!!!!
Paul Ringo: love / passion?
Angelina: love]
Paul Ringo: y not have both?
Angelina: kan judulnya juga "Pick One" hahahhaah
Angelina: sister or niece?
Paul Ringo: niece
Paul Ringo: chuzelle/archie?
Angelina: archie hahhahahaa
Angelina: Jason Mraz or Gerard Butler?
Angelina: *pick JM, please!!*
Paul Ringo: since u said JM i just have to go with gerard
Paul Ringo: bakso/pangsit?
Angelina: 2 2 nya daaaaaahhhhh muanteeeeeeeebbbbbb...!!!!
Paul Ringo: i kno eh
Paul Ringo: jd ngiler gw
Angelina: sama
Angelina: but i pick pangsit deh
Angelina: crocs or swallow? hahhahahaa... sama" dari karet
Paul Ringo: SWALLOW!! aq suka sekali
Paul Ringo: Khong Guan/ Regal?
Angelina: Khong Guan, lebih bervariasi siiihhh hahhahahaa
Angelina: jadi pengen
Angelina: martabak manis ato martabak telor? hayooooo
Paul Ringo: Telor
Angelina: enakan manis kaleeee
Paul Ringo: manis gampang enegnya
Paul Ringo: sustagen/dancow?
Angelina: eka blon pernah nyoba sustagen, jadi ya dancow aja lah hahhahahahaa
Angelina: cacing ato ulet?
Paul Ringo: cacing
Paul Ringo: enak bsa dimakan
Paul Ringo: piscok/risoles?
Angelina: dont ask me about foods coz i'm gonna choose both!
Angelina: piscok aja dah
Angelina: dicium banci ato nyium banci? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA
Paul Ringo: suruh tu banci cium jempol aja gih
Angelina: ngga bisa gitu doooonnggg, ngga ada di pilihannya
Angelina: you have to PICK ONE loh baaaaanng
Paul Ringo: dengan terpaksa saya pilih dicium. HHOOOEEEEKKKK.....
Angelina: waakakakakakakkk... good!!
Paul Ringo: dicium lesbi/nyium lesbi?
Angelina: ngebales nih kao ceritanya?? ckkckkckckckkk
Paul Ringo: mmmhhhmmm
Angelina: hmmmm... mending nyium deh, klo dicium kan bahaya
Angelina: oxford or harvard?
Paul Ringo: sekolah SD aja lah. ngapain tinggi2
Paul Ringo: oxford
Paul Ringo: sugus/mentos?
Angelina: hey, dont ask me bout foods or something like that!
Angelina: both!
Angelina: sugus deh
Angelina: jazz/rock?
Paul Ringo: jazz!!
Paul Ringo: tht wraps-up our game for tonight. thx for playing and i'll c u again the same place, same time. sampai jumap
Angelina: see ya and thx for playing.
Angelina: well, we have to end this game tonight coz our guest, Paul Siringo Ringo, must go to bed!

spare time
Saturday, July 3, 2010
sorry, i have to go
i have to go
so i'm not going to post some new story here for a while, maybe for a week or worst, for a month :)
sorry guys :')
i have to go
so i'm not going to post some new story here for a while, maybe for a week or worst, for a month :)
sorry guys :')
me or moi,
want you to know
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
15 things to remember :)

1) at least 5 people in this world love you so much. they would die for you
2) at least 15 people in this world love you in some way
3) the only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you
4) a smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you
5) every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep
6) you mean the world to someone
7) if not for you, someone may not be living
8) you are special and unique
9) someone that you don't know even exist loves you
10) when you make a biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it
11) when you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world
12) when you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later will get it
13) always remember complements you received. forget about your the rude remarks
14)always tell someone how you feel about them. you will feel much better when they know.
15) if you had a great friend, take the time to let them know that they're great
mademoiselleAngie :D
tell a story,
want you to know
Friday, June 18, 2010
*Jason Mraz, why do i love you soooooo crazy???!!!*

well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and then you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love
so i won't hesitate
no more, no more
it cannot wait, i'm sure
there's no need to complicate
our time is short
this is our fate
i'm yours...
when i was listening that song on my radio,
i became so curious about the singer of that song
i kinda like it at that time :D
and i became really love it
Geez, i can't believe that i really LOVE all his song!
and it always in my mind all the time
and i really LOVE HIM!
he cares about the poor people, the nature (he loves nature, you can see it on his website or his personal youtube)and guess what, he loves TRAVELING and so do i! :D :D :D :D

words cannot describe about my deep feeling to him :D
love you, adore you *muuaaacchhh... muuuaaaccchhhh*
big hug for you J,
ekanakecil, A-
tell a story,
wish list
Sunday, June 13, 2010
when you love someone..

i love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
i wanna touch and hold you forever
but you’re still in my dream
and i can’t stand to wait ‘till night is coming to my life
but i still have a time to break a silence
when you love someone
just be brave to say that you want him / her to be with you
when you hold your love
don’t ever let it go
or you will loose your chance
to make your dreams come true…
i used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
i was looking for a time to get closer at least to say… “hello”
and i can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
and i never thought that i’m so strong
i stuck on you and wait so long
but when love comes it can’t be wrong
don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
cause love will find the way….
mademoiselleAngie :)
me or moi,
tell a story
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
what would you do if this happened to you?
why did you say "i promise", in fact you're LYING behind them?
why did you say "I LOVE YOU" in fact you're cheating with someone else?
why did you say "i miss you so much" in fact you're making out with somebody else?
why did you say "i can't leave without you" in fact you're living with somebody else?
why did you say "i'm sorry, i won't do that anymore next time" in fact you always do the same thing and they don't know 'bout that?
why did you say "i always be there for you" in fact you are busy with your work?
why did you say "i need you", in fact you're begging someone else to be your boyfriend/girlfriend?
your mouth doesn't say anything, just BULLSHIT!
you are a BIG FAT LIAR!
once upon a time, a boy love a girl.
they had been together for six months.
and the boy was very confident that the girl is his life partner.
until one day, his heart was broken into pieces.
he lost contact with her
and the boy received a call from another guy who claimed that he was a husband of that girl.
and the guy asked the boy not to call her again.
despaired and miserable
and tears came out from his eyes.
he couldn't hide his feelings anymore.
six month later, he moved on, alone.
one day, the girl called him again.
he was surprised.
the girl asked him, "can we be together again? i made a mistake and i'm sorry".
the boy said, "what about your husband?"
and the girl said, "we're getting divorce".
but the boy refused the offer.
he was too much despaired to got back with the girl.
finally, seven months past.
the girl had a new boyfriend,
better than the boy.
and guess what, again,
the girl called the boy.
she asked him to be together again!
in fact, she had a relationship with another guy!
and this guy was very very very LOVE her!
and the guy didn't know 'bout that.
but, again, the boy refused her offer.
he said that she out of control!
the girl didn't think about his new boyfriend feeling.
and the boy left the girl.
with the pain and sadness..

hope you like my story,
why did you say "I LOVE YOU" in fact you're cheating with someone else?
why did you say "i miss you so much" in fact you're making out with somebody else?
why did you say "i can't leave without you" in fact you're living with somebody else?
why did you say "i'm sorry, i won't do that anymore next time" in fact you always do the same thing and they don't know 'bout that?
why did you say "i always be there for you" in fact you are busy with your work?
why did you say "i need you", in fact you're begging someone else to be your boyfriend/girlfriend?
your mouth doesn't say anything, just BULLSHIT!
you are a BIG FAT LIAR!
once upon a time, a boy love a girl.
they had been together for six months.
and the boy was very confident that the girl is his life partner.
until one day, his heart was broken into pieces.
he lost contact with her
and the boy received a call from another guy who claimed that he was a husband of that girl.
and the guy asked the boy not to call her again.
despaired and miserable
and tears came out from his eyes.
he couldn't hide his feelings anymore.
six month later, he moved on, alone.
one day, the girl called him again.
he was surprised.
the girl asked him, "can we be together again? i made a mistake and i'm sorry".
the boy said, "what about your husband?"
and the girl said, "we're getting divorce".
but the boy refused the offer.
he was too much despaired to got back with the girl.
finally, seven months past.
the girl had a new boyfriend,
better than the boy.
and guess what, again,
the girl called the boy.
she asked him to be together again!
in fact, she had a relationship with another guy!
and this guy was very very very LOVE her!
and the guy didn't know 'bout that.
but, again, the boy refused her offer.
he said that she out of control!
the girl didn't think about his new boyfriend feeling.
and the boy left the girl.
with the pain and sadness..

hope you like my story,
tell a story,
want you to know
Monday, May 31, 2010

SHOUT whenever you want to SHOUT!
if you have a sinking feeling
coz you have a very bad score on your exam,
or your mom always yelling at you,
or your friends don't stop talking
or your teacher punish you in front of the class coz the dog ate your homework,
or your sister/brother bother you when you sleep,
or your dad doesn't listen to you,
or you stuck in the middle of freaks people,
or your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you,
or your best friend didn't trust you anymore,
or you loose your lollipop,
or your crush become an item with somebody else,
or you are in love with someone who shouldn't be loved,
or you don't have enough money to buy a new car,
or you are getting divorce with your husband/wife,
or your parents didn't take care of you,
or your classmate always cheating your homework/exams
or your parents getting divorce,
or your neighbor didn't return your grass shears,
or you didn't pass the exam,
or your dad always force you to go to a university, in fact you don't want it,
or your best friend shoot your butt,
or you are curious 'bout your crushes problems,
or your friend stole your favorite items,
or you upset coz you can't always get what you want,
or even you don't love yourself,
just SHOUT until you satisfied..
i know, SHOUT doesn't solve anything
but SHOUT can make you better from your bad feelings :)
i SHOUT when i need to SHOUT,
and today, i SHOUT coz i'm happy and lucky to know you.. :)
Monday, July 13th 2009
( this post should be published in July 2009 )
with love,
me or moi,
tell a story
Saturday, May 29, 2010
it's all about CANADA..!
yep, it's all about CANADA! you all may be wondering why i choose Canada for the topic this time. well, first of all, i wanna see SNOW! yeah, i live in Indonesia so i can't see snow around here because Indonesia is located in equator line and countries with equator line are never snowy. secondly, i have a best friend in Canada and since that, my passion to go to Canada is on FIRE..!! he told me everything about Canada. the beautiful scenery, the weather, the history, the culture, the people around there and etc.
well, the thing that makes me very interested to Canada is the maple leaf. Canada use maple leaf as the symbol of their flag. why? because so many maple leaf trees grow in Canada and Jacquez Viger, the first mayor of Montreal, described the maple leaf as "the king of our forest; the symbol of the Canadian people." Click here for more information :)

i have some maple leaf pictures from my best friend in Canada. he gave me 3 maple leaves when he came to Indonesia. well, i'd asked him before to bring some maple leaves. i remember what he said at that time. "you are too late to ask me for maple leaves. it's winter already!". but, he kept searching maple leaves for me and he said, "hei guess what, i found 3 maple leaves for you, but two of them are yellow and one green. if you asked me earlier for the maple leaf, maybe i'd found the red one". but it's okay. i'm glad that you didn't forget to bring my maple leaves :)

and this is me with all my laminated maple leaves :P ( i didn't want my maple leaves wilted, so i take his advice to laminate all my maple leaves )

he also said, in Canada, they usually celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day for Indonesian people who lives in Canada. They held a ceremony and celebrate it with all Indonesian people who lives there. and this is some pictures of the ceremony. i took it from his FB.

and this is a birthday cake:

so many beautiful scenery in Canada, but most of them show the beauty view of the old city with tall and big buildings and its structure is very high artistic values. it makes Canada become one of tourist attraction in Canada. last Easter Holiday, my best friend in Canada went tour to Kingston, Quebec, Ottawa, Montreal and Thousand Island and he brought me some beautiful pictures from each place. i'm so jealous to him, i wanna go there too :( this is some good pictures that he took:

Parliament Hill Ottawa

and this is the pictures from Quebec Old City ( i couldn't find another picture better which no my best friend in it )

Quebec City
**HHAHHAHAHAHHAAA..!!! i always laughing when i see this picture! hahhahahhhahhaaa

**again, i couldn't find another picture better to show you guys 'bout Quebec City

Thousand Island ( its sounds like a ketchup or mayonnaise brand, doesn't it? hehhehee :P )


that's all i want to share with you guys 'bout Canada, hope you like it :)
and i have a promise to my best friend that one day, i'll go to Canada to see and play with him :D
BIG thanks to: Paul, my best friend and also my best brother :)
with love,
well, the thing that makes me very interested to Canada is the maple leaf. Canada use maple leaf as the symbol of their flag. why? because so many maple leaf trees grow in Canada and Jacquez Viger, the first mayor of Montreal, described the maple leaf as "the king of our forest; the symbol of the Canadian people." Click here for more information :)

i have some maple leaf pictures from my best friend in Canada. he gave me 3 maple leaves when he came to Indonesia. well, i'd asked him before to bring some maple leaves. i remember what he said at that time. "you are too late to ask me for maple leaves. it's winter already!". but, he kept searching maple leaves for me and he said, "hei guess what, i found 3 maple leaves for you, but two of them are yellow and one green. if you asked me earlier for the maple leaf, maybe i'd found the red one". but it's okay. i'm glad that you didn't forget to bring my maple leaves :)
and this is me with all my laminated maple leaves :P ( i didn't want my maple leaves wilted, so i take his advice to laminate all my maple leaves )

he also said, in Canada, they usually celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day for Indonesian people who lives in Canada. They held a ceremony and celebrate it with all Indonesian people who lives there. and this is some pictures of the ceremony. i took it from his FB.

and this is a birthday cake:

so many beautiful scenery in Canada, but most of them show the beauty view of the old city with tall and big buildings and its structure is very high artistic values. it makes Canada become one of tourist attraction in Canada. last Easter Holiday, my best friend in Canada went tour to Kingston, Quebec, Ottawa, Montreal and Thousand Island and he brought me some beautiful pictures from each place. i'm so jealous to him, i wanna go there too :( this is some good pictures that he took:

Parliament Hill Ottawa

and this is the pictures from Quebec Old City ( i couldn't find another picture better which no my best friend in it )

Quebec City

Thousand Island ( its sounds like a ketchup or mayonnaise brand, doesn't it? hehhehee :P )


that's all i want to share with you guys 'bout Canada, hope you like it :)
and i have a promise to my best friend that one day, i'll go to Canada to see and play with him :D
BIG thanks to: Paul, my best friend and also my best brother :)
with love,
me or moi,
tell a story,
wish list
Friday, May 28, 2010
sebuah kisah, sebuah cerita
ada seorang gadis remaja, terobsesi ingin punya abang
yang bisa melindungi dia dari bahaya apa pun
yang bisa diajak curhat
yang bisa diajak jail bersama
sampai akhirnya, ia bertemu dengan figur abang yang ia inginkan
semua sifat yang gadis itu pengen, ada di cowo itu.
dan si cowo tak keberatan buat jadi abang si gadis.
mereka sering bercanda bersama
belanja bersama
dan ngga jarang, bertengkar bersama.
dan orang-orang di sekitarnya merhatiin kelakuan keduanya
suatu hari, si abang naksir sama cewe lain
yang pertemuannya tidak disengaja dan ngga diduga
ia menceritakan semuanya tentang cewe lain itu ke si gadis
si gadis hanya hanya bisa tertawa hambar mendengarnya
sampai suatu saat, si abang membawa si gadis ini untuk bertemu dengan si cewe yang ia taksir
gadis tersebut ngga bisa nolak permintaan abangnya
dan akhirnya, terjadilah pertemuan antara si gadis, abang dan cewe yang si abang taksir
mereka bermain bersama
tertawa bersama
jail bersama
bahkan foto bersama
they had a great time together
seminggu kemudian, berita buruk pun datang
cewe yang ditaksir si abang menghilang tanpa jejak
sang abang sedih tak ada duanya
dan si gadis baru pertama kali melihat abangnya begitu bersedih
baru kali ini, si gadis mendengar abangnya bercerita tentang cewe yang dia taksir begitu mendalam
si gadis ikut bersedih, meskipun dalam hatinya yang paling dalam, ia bersedih bukan karena abangnya sedih
melainkan karena merasa abangnya udah diambil sama cewe lain
yang mungkin bisa narik perhatian lebih sang abang
dan nantinya, sang abang tidak akan mempedulikan lagi si gadis
itulah yang si gadis pikirkan
hari demi hari dilewati sang abang tanpa tau kabar terbaru tentang pujaan hatinya
terlihat kesedihan di wajahnya, meskipun si abang selalu tersenyum di depan si gadis
sang gadis tak ingin membiarkan abang kesayangannya bersedih terus
sampai suatu saat, sang gadis mendapat suatu pencerahan
ia mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin tentang keberadaan si cewe pujaan hati abangnya
satu demi satu, informasi telah terbongkar
ia rela terus mencari, meskipun ia tau bahwa apa yang dilakukannya sia-sia
karena informasi yang ia dapatkan belom cukup kuat untuk mencari kemana lagi si cewe itu berada
ia juga sadar, kalo apa yang ia lakukan ini berhasil, ia akan kehilangan sedikit waktu bersama dengan abangnya
tapi itu semua tak menjadi masalah
asalkan si gadis bisa ngeliat abangnya bahagia, ia juga akan mencoba bahagia
ia belajar untuk tidak egois
egois terhadap abangnya yang menyukai cewe lain
sebagai adik yang baik, harusnya si gadis bisa menerima kenyataan kalo kini abangnya tak hanya memperhatikan diri si gadis saja, tetapi si cewe pujaan hatinya dia juga
panas dan hujan silih berganti
satu demi satu, tempat demi tempat ia masuki dan tak malu-malu untuk bertanya
dikejar orang gila, sudah tak menjadi masalah bagi sang gadis
hanya untuk membuat abangnya itu bahagia
suatu hari, saat sang gadis sedang mencari informasi tentang pujaan hati sang abang di suatu tempat
seorang ibu-ibu yang sangat perhatian dan bijaksana membantunya
ia berkata bahwa ia pernah mendengar tentang cewe pujaan hati si abang tersebut
ia memberikan alamat yang bisa sang gadis datengin, tetapi ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini melarang sang gadis untuk pergi kesana
"sedang banjir dan jalan dijaga oleh polisi", itu alasan si ibu melarang si gadis untuk pergi
sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini pun penasaran dan akhirnya bertanya,
"emang sebenernya ada apaan sih? kok kamu sampe segitunya nyari orang itu, sampai-sampai kamu udah 2x dateng kesini?"
sang gadis merasa tak enak
tak enak karena merepotkan si ibu dan tak enak jika bercerita panjang lebar tentang masalah tersebut
"ngga ada apa-apa sih bu. cuma saya penasaran aja sama orang ini", hanya itu yang bisa dijelaskan oleh sang gadis
"coba ceritakan sama ibu. ibu pengen denger kisahnya,"
karena sang gadis merasa tak enak selalu merepotkan si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana tersebut, maka ia mulai bercerita
"jadi gini bu, saya punya abang. abang saya ini suka sama cewe itu. mereka tadinya sering sms-an, telpon-telponan, bahkan ketemuan. tapi udah seminggu ini ngga ada kabar dari dia. mau dihubungi ngga bisa, soalnya HPnya ngga aktif. satu-satunya informasi yang bisa saya dapetin tuh ya pergi ke tempat ini," jelas si gadis panjang lebar
"ooo.. abang kamu ceritanya naksir sama ni cewe? emang udah jadian berapa bulan?" tanya si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana lagi
"wah, ngga tau juga tuh bu. tapi yang saya tau, mereka deket udah sebulanan,"
"sebulan? mereka ketemuannya gimana emang?"
dan akhirnya, sang gadis menceritakan semuanya dari awal sampe akhir ke si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana tersebut
setelah itu, sang gadis menelfon abangnya
memberi tahu semua informasi yang ia dapatkan dari sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini
diakhir pembicaraan si gadis dan si abang, si gadis berkata
"i'm sorry bang.. i didn't find her. the result is big zero. but i'll try to go to the address yang dikasih sama ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini,"
dari sebrang sang abang menjawab, "ya. it's ok. just go home and eat lunch now"
si gadis berbisik, "abang, please don't cry. i kno you are disappointed"
dan si abang mencoba tertawa, mencairkan hatinya yang beku "hahahaha... nooo.. siapa juga yang nangis. go home and Titi DJ yaa.. bye.."
sang gadis terdiam sesaat
ia tau, abangnya pasti sangat kecewa karena ia tidak berhasil menemukan keberadaan cewe pujaan hati abangnya
lalu, si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana berkata
"neng, kayanya kamu sayang banget ya sama abang kamu? anak saya ngga ada lho yang sayang ke kakaknya kaya kamu ke abang kamu,"
mendengar perkataan si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini, si gadis kaget dan hanya bisa tersenyum sambil bilang
"ya. saya sayang sama abang saya,"
si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini tertawa dan dengan bijak bilang begini
"kalo kamu sayang sama abang kamu, harusnya kamu jangan ngasih harapan bakalan nemuin cewe pujaan hati si abang ke abang kamu. itu justru ngebuat dia tambah sakit"
"hah? maksud ibu apa? saya cuma pengen abang saya bahagia dan ngga sedih terus-terusan, makanya saya ngelakuin ini" si gadis mulai bingung
ibu itu menjawab, "sekarang gini yah neng. klo misalnya, kamu berhasil nemuin si cewe pujaan hatinya si abang kamu itu, trus ternyata dia itu orangnya ngga seperti yang kita harapkan gimana? apalagi kata kamu mereka baru kenal sebulan kan? sebulan itu belom ada apa-apanya. belom kenal luar-dalamnya. cuma kenal selewat doang.
siapa tau waktu itu, si cewe itu lagi butuh temen ngobrol dan di sana ada abang kamu yang enak diajak ngobrol. klo emang si cewenya ini suka juga sama abang kamu, dia ngga bakal kemana-mana. mungkin HP dia ilang dan nomer HP abang kamu ada di dalamnya dan dengan menghilangnya HP dia, hilang juga nomer abang kamu. tapi seengganya usaha sedikit lah buat contact lagi sama abang kamu. jaman sekarang ini kan teknologi udah canggih, klo dia suka sama abang kamu, dia pasti ngejar abang kamu juga lah.
coba sekarang bandingin, klo kamu ngga ngasih harepan lagi ke abang kamu buat nyari si cewe itu, mungkin sakit hatinya si abang ngga bakal sesakit klo tau cewe itu ngga seperti yang kita harapkan kan? lagian abang kamu kan cakep, dia bisa ngedapetin cewe yang lebih cantik bahkan lebih baik dibanding cewe yang sekarang kalian cari itu.
sekarang tugas kamu cuma satu, yakinin dia klo dia bisa dapet cewe yang lebih baik lagi. mudah-mudahan aja dia dapetin cewe yang sebaik dan seperhatian adenya, kaya kamu. itu jauuuhhh lebih baik. lagian, klo kalian tetep maksa nyari sampe ban motor kamu botak juga ngga bakal ketemu klo emang Tuhan berkehendak seperti itu.
kamu kuatin hati abang kamu, yakinin dia klo emang dia jodoh sama itu cewe, mereka bakalan ketemu lagi di lain waktu. entah waktu lagi jalan ke pasar kek, ke mall kek ato kemana pun lah. percaya deh sama ibu, klo Tuhan berkehendak abang kamu sama cewe itu ketemu lagi, Dia bakalan ngerancang semuanya dengan amat baik buat abang kamu. ntar klo kamu pulang, kamu ngomong sama abang kamu, tuntun dia pelan-pelan ngelewatin semuanya,"
sekejap, sang gadis tercengang dan merasa terguncang, lalu hanya bisa tersenyum
ada benarnya apa yang ibu itu sampaikan
nasihat yang sangat bermakna sekali dan bener-bener ngena banget buat masalah ini
si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini bertanya lagi
"oya, orangtua kamu tau ngga masalah abang kamu ini? trus tanggepan orangtua kalian gimana?"
oooh.. ternyata si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana ini mengira bahwa si gadis dan si abang beneran abang-dede kandung
"ngga. orangtua kami ngga tau. ini cuma rahasia kita berdua aja, hehehe.." kata si gadis berbohong
"kamu berapa bersaudara sih emangnya di rumah?" tanya ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini lagi
dan si gadis pun berbohong lagi,"emm... saya 4 bersaudara bu. abang saya yang pertama, trus saya yang kedua dan di rumah masih ada 2 ade cewe,"
"ooo... abang kamu paling ganteng dong di rumah? hahahaha..." canda si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana ini
setelah lama mengobrol dengan si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini,
ibu itu berkata untuk yang terakhir kalinya
"neng, klo kamu pulang ntar, jadilah sandaran bagi abang kamu ya. biarin dia mau curhat ato cerita apa aja ke kamu, biarkan dia ngelurin unek-uneknya dia selama ini. kamu ngga perlu ngasih solusi buat semua masalahnya.
kamu juga jangan sok-ngerti apa yang dia alamin. cukup jadi pendengar yang baik karena itu yang abang kamu perluin buat sekarang. ibu tau, kamu tipe orangnya penyabar dan ibu yakin kamu bisa ngebimbing abang kamu. i believe he can move on," dia berkata sambil senyum
si gadis penasaran, mengapa si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini mengerti dan kayanya cukup berpengalaman dalam hal kaya gini
akhirnya ia bertanya, "ibu kok kayanya tau banyak tentang masalah kaya gini?"
sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana pun menjawab, "ibu juga kan dulu pernah muda. pernah lah ngalamin hal yang kaya gitu mah. ngeliat kamu tuh kaya ngeliat ibu waktu masih muda hahahaha..." si ibu itu mlai tertawa
"makasih banyak ya bu saran dan bantuannya. maap banget klo saya ngerepotin belakangan ini,"
"ah... ngga papa.."
lalu, sang gadis itu pun berpamitan pada si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana dan pulang
di perjalanan, sang gadis memikirkan apa yang dikatakan ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana itu
dipikir-pikir, ada benarnya juga kata si ibu itu
mungkin abangnya akan jauh lebih baik jika ia mau melepaskan kepergian si cewe pujaan hatinya itu
dan ini bukanlah akhir dari cerita petualangan cinta abangnya,
melainkan baru awal dari segalanya
hope you like my story
yang bisa melindungi dia dari bahaya apa pun
yang bisa diajak curhat
yang bisa diajak jail bersama
sampai akhirnya, ia bertemu dengan figur abang yang ia inginkan
semua sifat yang gadis itu pengen, ada di cowo itu.
dan si cowo tak keberatan buat jadi abang si gadis.
mereka sering bercanda bersama
belanja bersama
dan ngga jarang, bertengkar bersama.
dan orang-orang di sekitarnya merhatiin kelakuan keduanya
suatu hari, si abang naksir sama cewe lain
yang pertemuannya tidak disengaja dan ngga diduga
ia menceritakan semuanya tentang cewe lain itu ke si gadis
si gadis hanya hanya bisa tertawa hambar mendengarnya
sampai suatu saat, si abang membawa si gadis ini untuk bertemu dengan si cewe yang ia taksir
gadis tersebut ngga bisa nolak permintaan abangnya
dan akhirnya, terjadilah pertemuan antara si gadis, abang dan cewe yang si abang taksir
mereka bermain bersama
tertawa bersama
jail bersama
bahkan foto bersama
they had a great time together
seminggu kemudian, berita buruk pun datang
cewe yang ditaksir si abang menghilang tanpa jejak
sang abang sedih tak ada duanya
dan si gadis baru pertama kali melihat abangnya begitu bersedih
baru kali ini, si gadis mendengar abangnya bercerita tentang cewe yang dia taksir begitu mendalam
si gadis ikut bersedih, meskipun dalam hatinya yang paling dalam, ia bersedih bukan karena abangnya sedih
melainkan karena merasa abangnya udah diambil sama cewe lain
yang mungkin bisa narik perhatian lebih sang abang
dan nantinya, sang abang tidak akan mempedulikan lagi si gadis
itulah yang si gadis pikirkan
hari demi hari dilewati sang abang tanpa tau kabar terbaru tentang pujaan hatinya
terlihat kesedihan di wajahnya, meskipun si abang selalu tersenyum di depan si gadis
sang gadis tak ingin membiarkan abang kesayangannya bersedih terus
sampai suatu saat, sang gadis mendapat suatu pencerahan
ia mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin tentang keberadaan si cewe pujaan hati abangnya
satu demi satu, informasi telah terbongkar
ia rela terus mencari, meskipun ia tau bahwa apa yang dilakukannya sia-sia
karena informasi yang ia dapatkan belom cukup kuat untuk mencari kemana lagi si cewe itu berada
ia juga sadar, kalo apa yang ia lakukan ini berhasil, ia akan kehilangan sedikit waktu bersama dengan abangnya
tapi itu semua tak menjadi masalah
asalkan si gadis bisa ngeliat abangnya bahagia, ia juga akan mencoba bahagia
ia belajar untuk tidak egois
egois terhadap abangnya yang menyukai cewe lain
sebagai adik yang baik, harusnya si gadis bisa menerima kenyataan kalo kini abangnya tak hanya memperhatikan diri si gadis saja, tetapi si cewe pujaan hatinya dia juga
panas dan hujan silih berganti
satu demi satu, tempat demi tempat ia masuki dan tak malu-malu untuk bertanya
dikejar orang gila, sudah tak menjadi masalah bagi sang gadis
hanya untuk membuat abangnya itu bahagia
suatu hari, saat sang gadis sedang mencari informasi tentang pujaan hati sang abang di suatu tempat
seorang ibu-ibu yang sangat perhatian dan bijaksana membantunya
ia berkata bahwa ia pernah mendengar tentang cewe pujaan hati si abang tersebut
ia memberikan alamat yang bisa sang gadis datengin, tetapi ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini melarang sang gadis untuk pergi kesana
"sedang banjir dan jalan dijaga oleh polisi", itu alasan si ibu melarang si gadis untuk pergi
sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini pun penasaran dan akhirnya bertanya,
"emang sebenernya ada apaan sih? kok kamu sampe segitunya nyari orang itu, sampai-sampai kamu udah 2x dateng kesini?"
sang gadis merasa tak enak
tak enak karena merepotkan si ibu dan tak enak jika bercerita panjang lebar tentang masalah tersebut
"ngga ada apa-apa sih bu. cuma saya penasaran aja sama orang ini", hanya itu yang bisa dijelaskan oleh sang gadis
"coba ceritakan sama ibu. ibu pengen denger kisahnya,"
karena sang gadis merasa tak enak selalu merepotkan si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana tersebut, maka ia mulai bercerita
"jadi gini bu, saya punya abang. abang saya ini suka sama cewe itu. mereka tadinya sering sms-an, telpon-telponan, bahkan ketemuan. tapi udah seminggu ini ngga ada kabar dari dia. mau dihubungi ngga bisa, soalnya HPnya ngga aktif. satu-satunya informasi yang bisa saya dapetin tuh ya pergi ke tempat ini," jelas si gadis panjang lebar
"ooo.. abang kamu ceritanya naksir sama ni cewe? emang udah jadian berapa bulan?" tanya si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana lagi
"wah, ngga tau juga tuh bu. tapi yang saya tau, mereka deket udah sebulanan,"
"sebulan? mereka ketemuannya gimana emang?"
dan akhirnya, sang gadis menceritakan semuanya dari awal sampe akhir ke si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana tersebut
setelah itu, sang gadis menelfon abangnya
memberi tahu semua informasi yang ia dapatkan dari sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini
diakhir pembicaraan si gadis dan si abang, si gadis berkata
"i'm sorry bang.. i didn't find her. the result is big zero. but i'll try to go to the address yang dikasih sama ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini,"
dari sebrang sang abang menjawab, "ya. it's ok. just go home and eat lunch now"
si gadis berbisik, "abang, please don't cry. i kno you are disappointed"
dan si abang mencoba tertawa, mencairkan hatinya yang beku "hahahaha... nooo.. siapa juga yang nangis. go home and Titi DJ yaa.. bye.."
sang gadis terdiam sesaat
ia tau, abangnya pasti sangat kecewa karena ia tidak berhasil menemukan keberadaan cewe pujaan hati abangnya
lalu, si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana berkata
"neng, kayanya kamu sayang banget ya sama abang kamu? anak saya ngga ada lho yang sayang ke kakaknya kaya kamu ke abang kamu,"
mendengar perkataan si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini, si gadis kaget dan hanya bisa tersenyum sambil bilang
"ya. saya sayang sama abang saya,"
si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini tertawa dan dengan bijak bilang begini
"kalo kamu sayang sama abang kamu, harusnya kamu jangan ngasih harapan bakalan nemuin cewe pujaan hati si abang ke abang kamu. itu justru ngebuat dia tambah sakit"
"hah? maksud ibu apa? saya cuma pengen abang saya bahagia dan ngga sedih terus-terusan, makanya saya ngelakuin ini" si gadis mulai bingung
ibu itu menjawab, "sekarang gini yah neng. klo misalnya, kamu berhasil nemuin si cewe pujaan hatinya si abang kamu itu, trus ternyata dia itu orangnya ngga seperti yang kita harapkan gimana? apalagi kata kamu mereka baru kenal sebulan kan? sebulan itu belom ada apa-apanya. belom kenal luar-dalamnya. cuma kenal selewat doang.
siapa tau waktu itu, si cewe itu lagi butuh temen ngobrol dan di sana ada abang kamu yang enak diajak ngobrol. klo emang si cewenya ini suka juga sama abang kamu, dia ngga bakal kemana-mana. mungkin HP dia ilang dan nomer HP abang kamu ada di dalamnya dan dengan menghilangnya HP dia, hilang juga nomer abang kamu. tapi seengganya usaha sedikit lah buat contact lagi sama abang kamu. jaman sekarang ini kan teknologi udah canggih, klo dia suka sama abang kamu, dia pasti ngejar abang kamu juga lah.
coba sekarang bandingin, klo kamu ngga ngasih harepan lagi ke abang kamu buat nyari si cewe itu, mungkin sakit hatinya si abang ngga bakal sesakit klo tau cewe itu ngga seperti yang kita harapkan kan? lagian abang kamu kan cakep, dia bisa ngedapetin cewe yang lebih cantik bahkan lebih baik dibanding cewe yang sekarang kalian cari itu.
sekarang tugas kamu cuma satu, yakinin dia klo dia bisa dapet cewe yang lebih baik lagi. mudah-mudahan aja dia dapetin cewe yang sebaik dan seperhatian adenya, kaya kamu. itu jauuuhhh lebih baik. lagian, klo kalian tetep maksa nyari sampe ban motor kamu botak juga ngga bakal ketemu klo emang Tuhan berkehendak seperti itu.
kamu kuatin hati abang kamu, yakinin dia klo emang dia jodoh sama itu cewe, mereka bakalan ketemu lagi di lain waktu. entah waktu lagi jalan ke pasar kek, ke mall kek ato kemana pun lah. percaya deh sama ibu, klo Tuhan berkehendak abang kamu sama cewe itu ketemu lagi, Dia bakalan ngerancang semuanya dengan amat baik buat abang kamu. ntar klo kamu pulang, kamu ngomong sama abang kamu, tuntun dia pelan-pelan ngelewatin semuanya,"
sekejap, sang gadis tercengang dan merasa terguncang, lalu hanya bisa tersenyum
ada benarnya apa yang ibu itu sampaikan
nasihat yang sangat bermakna sekali dan bener-bener ngena banget buat masalah ini
si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini bertanya lagi
"oya, orangtua kamu tau ngga masalah abang kamu ini? trus tanggepan orangtua kalian gimana?"
oooh.. ternyata si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana ini mengira bahwa si gadis dan si abang beneran abang-dede kandung
"ngga. orangtua kami ngga tau. ini cuma rahasia kita berdua aja, hehehe.." kata si gadis berbohong
"kamu berapa bersaudara sih emangnya di rumah?" tanya ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini lagi
dan si gadis pun berbohong lagi,"emm... saya 4 bersaudara bu. abang saya yang pertama, trus saya yang kedua dan di rumah masih ada 2 ade cewe,"
"ooo... abang kamu paling ganteng dong di rumah? hahahaha..." canda si ibu yang baik dan bijaksana ini
setelah lama mengobrol dengan si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini,
ibu itu berkata untuk yang terakhir kalinya
"neng, klo kamu pulang ntar, jadilah sandaran bagi abang kamu ya. biarin dia mau curhat ato cerita apa aja ke kamu, biarkan dia ngelurin unek-uneknya dia selama ini. kamu ngga perlu ngasih solusi buat semua masalahnya.
kamu juga jangan sok-ngerti apa yang dia alamin. cukup jadi pendengar yang baik karena itu yang abang kamu perluin buat sekarang. ibu tau, kamu tipe orangnya penyabar dan ibu yakin kamu bisa ngebimbing abang kamu. i believe he can move on," dia berkata sambil senyum
si gadis penasaran, mengapa si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana ini mengerti dan kayanya cukup berpengalaman dalam hal kaya gini
akhirnya ia bertanya, "ibu kok kayanya tau banyak tentang masalah kaya gini?"
sang ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana pun menjawab, "ibu juga kan dulu pernah muda. pernah lah ngalamin hal yang kaya gitu mah. ngeliat kamu tuh kaya ngeliat ibu waktu masih muda hahahaha..." si ibu itu mlai tertawa
"makasih banyak ya bu saran dan bantuannya. maap banget klo saya ngerepotin belakangan ini,"
"ah... ngga papa.."
lalu, sang gadis itu pun berpamitan pada si ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana dan pulang
di perjalanan, sang gadis memikirkan apa yang dikatakan ibu yang baik hati dan bijaksana itu
dipikir-pikir, ada benarnya juga kata si ibu itu
mungkin abangnya akan jauh lebih baik jika ia mau melepaskan kepergian si cewe pujaan hatinya itu
dan ini bukanlah akhir dari cerita petualangan cinta abangnya,
melainkan baru awal dari segalanya
hope you like my story
tell a story
Thursday, May 27, 2010
this is it! my new blog! :D

hei guys!
i'm happy cuz my new blog has already done!
and i hope you guys will love my story :)
me or moi,
want you to know
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