Saturday, August 28, 2010

special from me and Disney to you.. :D

Mr. Farbud Yatchie, this is a special note from me, mom and dad, gina, dinda and a little bit with help from Mr. Disney for your special birthday! :)

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!
i want to do something special for you,
it's your birthday, and you're special too
so i brought some guabs from the outter guab zoo
They honk and squak and sing just for you...
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!

open your eyes, here's a present
more crazy creatures, don't worry they're pleasant
they're upside down weets on inside out swings,
they do things backwords, and backwords they sing...
Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yppah Yadhtrib Ot Ouy!
which means:
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!

there's a party, a party today
A once a year occasion!
A party, it's comin' your way,
your birthday celebration!
the grandest present I've saved 'til the end,
'cause you're the bestest of all of my friends
here's Mickey (Oh, Hi) and Donald (Hellllo) And Goofy too (Ahee-uh)
to celebrate your birthday with you...
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!

i wanted to tell you in my own special way,
but you're extra special, so have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You!

dad said: "panjang umur!"
mom said: "sukses terus ya Pauuuulll..."
gina said: "tambah baik, tambah ganteng. mudah-mudahan bisa ke Indo lagi :)"
dinda said: "met ultah abang!"
and i said: "Happy Bornday! Jah bless! jangan lupa berdoa di saat apa pun. mau susah kek, mau seneng kek, tetep berdoa dan bersyukur ya baaaanng... and keep smile :) *big hug's coming to your waaaaayyy....* cheer up, boy! :D"

Have a great Birthday there :)

group hugs!
-from: ekanakecil and family

Saturday, August 14, 2010


hello world!

it's been forever since my last post. yeah, i'm busy with my college thing here! exhausted but fun!

i found some new friends, new teacher, new uniform (uniform is a must in my college!) and of course new surrounding :)

sometimes, i miss my high school things and i miss my luvly DPR United so much. and also, i really miss talking to Mr. Yatchie (if u read this Mr. Yatchie, dont laugh!)

i dont know, i feel empty during these day. maybe it because of my busyness in my new college but i'm not sure. i have a lot of new friends here but still empty. really. something is missing but i dont know what.


